Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Manifesto

While designing, managing and producing videogames; various design Catch-22's, development deja vu's and miscellaneous industry affronts would occur. These, I thought, could do with some further investigation.
I would dutifully transcribe these thoughts into my notebook.
And then I would diligently ignore them like a middle child.
I recently excavated this notebook, blew off the dust and dispelled its accumulated curses. To my pleasant surprise my thoughts on videogame design were still brutally relevant and worthy of exploration and expansion. In the immortal words of The Jealous Sound (world’s greatest band), ‘What’s wrong is everywhere’.
And where better to explore these ruminations on the friction between innovation, accessibility and commerce than by whispering them into the infinite depths of the abyss that is the blogosphere…
…Right, better get started then.